What are the Odds for One Person to Fulfill Numerous Messianic Prophecies? |
I'm going to ask you to take a trip into absurdity with me. Let's assume – for the sake of discussion – that for each messianic prophecy a randomly selected person has a FIFTY PERCENT CHANCE of fulfilling that prophecy. In other words, pick somebody at random, anywhere in the world. We'll assume – for the sake of discussion – that there is a FIFTY PERCENT CHANCE that that randomly selected person was born in Bethlehem. We'll assume that there is a fifty percent chance that the randomly selected person is a descendant of King David. We'll assume there is a fifty percent chance that the randomly selected person was born of a virgin. Etc., etc. Certainly, no one can say "Your estimates are unrealistically low. There's a much greater chance that a randomly selected person could be that." Consider this: if you flip a coin, the chances are fifty percent that it will come up heads. If you flip it again, the chances are fifty percent that the second toss will come up heads. If you flip it a third time, the chances are fifty percent that the third toss will come up heads. But what are the chances of the coin coming up heads THREE TIMES IN A ROW? One-half times one-half times one-half. In other words, write 2 three times, then multiply them together. The chances of getting three heads in a row are one in eight. The chances of getting four heads in a row are one in sixteen, etc. If a person has a fifty percent chance of fulfilling each messianic prophecy, the chances of one person fulfilling four messianic prophecies are one in sixteen. In other words, using our absurd assumption that for each prophecy a randomly selected person has a fifty percent chance of fulfilling the prophecy, if we pick sixteen people at random, one person should fulfill the four prophecies. If we pick thirty-two people, two in the group should fulfill the four prophecies. Let's move it up a step. What are the odds of getting ten heads in a row? What are the odds of one person fulfilling ten prophecies? ONE IN ONE THOUSAND TWENTY FOUR. If half the people on the planet were born of a virgin and half the people on the planet were descendants of David and half the people on the planet were born in Bethlehem, etc., still, only one person in 1024 would satisfy ten prophecies.
What are the Odds of Any One Person Fulfilling Twenty or Thirty or Forty Messianic Prophecies?
YOU'VE GOT THE CHART – Figure it out yourself! The odds of one person fulfilling 40 prophecies are one in One Trillion, Ninety-Nine Billion, etc. . . . assuming that half the world's population was born in Bethlehem, half the world's population is descended from David, etc. If that's not the case, the odds get worse!
For 50 prophecies, multiply 1,024 times 1,099,343,411,976 – the answer is more than One Quadrillion. For 60 prophecies, multiply that answer by 1,024 – the answer is more than One Quintillion.